Science behind magic
1. Money burning trick:
i) Add 100 ml of Isopropyl alcohol to a beaker
ii)Add 50 ml of water to a beaker
iii)Dip the money into the solution and burn it
The money don't burn but it seems to be burning. This due the water and alcohol. When the money is soaked into the solution, the water molecules soak into the money while the alcohol remains on the surface. When the match is put to the money, the alcohol is what actually burns.
2. Hand cutting trick:
i)Add 25 g of Potassium thiocynate & 500 ml of water in a beaker A.
ii)Add 25 g of Ferric chloride & 500 ml of water in beaker B.
iii)Apply solution of beaker A in hand and solution of beaker B in knife. Just keep the knife upon the hand.
Reddish blood like solution comes out this is due to reaction between Potassium thiocynate and Ferric chloride.
FeCl3 + 3KCNS ⟶ Fe(SCN)3 + 3KCl.
Red color is due to the presence of Fe(SCN)3.
3. Burning water:
i)Add 100 ml of water to a beaker
ii)Add few drops of sanitizer upon it
iii)Burn it.
Due to the density of sanitizer it floats upon the water.On burning only the top layer i.e, Sanitizer only burns.
Helpfull for my science exhibition.